'pymeterlib' is a Python package that contains all of the PyMeter classes.
View the pymeterlib API documentation (under development)
A "Plugin" for PyMeter consists of a Python module containing a single class of the same name. To work in the PyMeter framework, a plugin must implement specific methods and attributes. (Documentation on how to write a Plugin coming soon)
View the API documentation for all plugins
List of available plugins: (under development)
- Linux
- CPUSystem - CPU System Time
- CPUUser - CPU User Time
- CPUUtilization - CPU Utilization Time (User Time + System Time)
- CPUWait - CPU Wait Time
- Uptime - System Uptime (number of days the system has been up)
- Solaris
- CPUIdle - CPU Idle Time
- CPUStates - CPU States (User, System, Wait, Idle)
- CPUSystem - CPU System Time
- CPUUser - CPU User Time
- CPUUtilization - CPU Utilization Time (User Time + System Time)
- CPUWait - CPU Wait Time (I/O wait)
- LoadAvg1 - Load Average 1min
- LoadAvg5 - Load Average 5min
- LoadAvg15 - Load Average 15min
- LoadAvgs - Load Averages (1min, 5min, 15min)
- NetworkBytesRec - Network Bytes Received
- NetworkBytesSent - Network Bytes Sent
- Uptime - System Uptime (number of days the system has been up)